
Aubrey’s Journey: One man’s Mentoring Initiative Experience


I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for participating in Pharoh’s Mentorship Initiative. This experience has been invaluable, and I am eager to share some of the profound lessons I’ve learned.

My Background

I hail from a lineage blending Scythian-Yamnaya and Germanic bloodlines. Both ancestral lines have engaged in harmful, parasitic behaviors, leading to a challenging family dynamic. Indoctrinated from a young age, I was conditioned to participate in the empire system.

I have recognized that we exist within an imperial structure, perpetually at war with ourselves. Constant bombardment through media, advertising, and even our social interactions undermines our well-being and distracts us from our true purpose. Many seek temporary solace in substances or distractions, unaware of the long-term consequences. Every action demands energy, and these distractions deplete our resources, hindering growth and progress.

My Journey Begins

A facial injury in 2013 resulted in a titanium plate and chronic pain. Recognizing the connection between my actions and symptoms, I embarked on a path of self-healing. I adopted a plant-based diet, eliminated alcohol, and eventually conquered a long-standing addiction to weed. Inspired by the concept of breatharianism, I sought further guidance.

In summer 2022, a liquid-only diet experiment yielded limited results due to a lack of knowledge. Seeking expert advice, I chanced upon Pharoh. His comprehensive approach and clarity were instrumental in my healing journey. However, a subsequent toxic work environment and health decline forced me to seek his help once again.

Pharoh’s personalized guidance, including a tailored meal plan and herbal remedies, led to a rapid improvement in my health. This success inspired me to enroll in his Mentorship Initiative.

The Mentorship Initiative

My primary goals were to discover my purpose, align my actions, and achieve tangible growth. Pharoh exceeded my expectations, addressing challenges related to family dynamics, self-confidence, goal setting, and decision-making. I had the privilege to be able to ask him urgent questions to help with stressful situations. We had monthly evaluation calls, which were used to scrutinize and annihilate any recidivist patterns I was engaging in. It was truly so helpful having a mentor to keep me on track during these difficult times. His mentorship provided unwavering support and accountability.

Core Focuses

The initiative encompassed: unlearning harmful patterns, true education, self-discovery, purpose identification, optimization in challenging environments, navigating the empire structure, eliminating stagnant behaviors, dream architecting, logical thinking, and visualization.

Lessons Learned

I developed valuable skills in envisioning, cognitive diagramming, and strategic planning. Pharoh’s mentorship was crucial in overcoming misinformation and building confidence. During my time in the initiative, I successfully passed several IT certifications, such as the CISSP, CCSP, and CySA+,  landed a better job, and developed a two-year plan for personal growth, as I was able to read and retain new information much more efficiently.


Part of the initiative involved starting a garden. The specific size or content didn’t matter; the goal was simply to begin. I started small with a single garden bed, which eventually doubled in size to accommodate lettuce and herbs. Composting became a natural next step. Research and reading ignited my passion for gardening, leading me to expand my garden space. I constructed a small stone wall to enclose a partially shaded area where tomatoes, butternut squash, arugula, potatoes, and various herbs now thrive. The process of planning, building, andPharohsHouse Mentoring Initiative cultivating has been incredibly rewarding, offering a refreshing contrast to the demands of modern life.

While gardening, I noticed parallels to other life areas. A previous initiative involved questioning my parents about their decision to have children. Their vague response suggested a lack of intentional planning. This random approach mirrors the inefficiency of haphazardly scattering seeds. Successful gardening, like child-rearing or goal achievement, requires planning, intention, and careful timing. Considerations such as seed selection, quantity, growth duration, seasonality, and resource availability apply equally to both endeavors.

“A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.”
– James Allen, As a Man Thinketh


For anyone seeking true wisdom and guidance, I cannot recommend Pharoh’s Mentoring Initiative enough. I highly recommend booking a consultation call today. For those who would like to know more about Pharoh, I encourage you to his Instagram page and website. Also consider showing support by becoming a Patron and attend live discord lectures as a bonus. Here are some of my favorite Podisodes:

  1. 1. Interview with Taylor Budd
    2. Podisode 1288
    3. Podisode 23
    4. Podisode 51

Thank you, Pharoh, for your invaluable guidance and support. This has truly been a profound experience for me. 

Thanks to the reader for taking the time to read this. 

Peace and Harmony to you,


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