Pet Rescue Project

Cat Rescue Project Gallery

Meet PC and her Rescue Cat Family:

For 4 years, I’ve rescued countless abandoned felines and nurtured them back to good health. I operate a small cat sanctuary shelter in the bodega next to my place. The cats who I could not find homes for are still with me. My main cat is PC. She came here with me from the U.S. She’s my assistant and activities coordinator for the other cats. 

Subscribe to the RSS for PC’s Rescue Cat page so you can keep up on what’s happening here at the sanctuary. You can also share photos, videos and posts for us. It helps a lot, but you know what would really help is your generous donation to PC’s Cat Sanctuary Pledge Drive. We are working under the auspices of not-for-profit organization, Holistic Living Ministry. It’s a major challenge operating an animal rescue shelter these days no matter the kind. We can always use help with cat food, cat litter, vet meds, etc. Please like, follow and share our Facebook fan page.