
Share Your Uniqueness with Our World

The Balanced Reality Report is not the so-called news. Unlike other news providers, we appreciate and respect your attention. That’s why Content Producer, Chris R came up with a great idea to allow you, the BRR listeners, a creative way to participate in the podcast. I am calling this new 3 minute segment, Uniqueness is….
The Balanced Reality Report would not be balanced without your participation…or rather self-expression

How Can You Participate?

You can express yourself in original song, verse, poetry, personal story, or just creative promotion of what you do and
how it is so uniquely yours. You can mention your Youtube channel, Instagram, or website, but keep in mind  we’re not looking for commercials. Please include your answer to the following question along with your production:

  1. How do you uniquely contribute to repairing or helping change, for the better, the world around you?

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