A media chat room provides a perfect console for discussions, webinars, presentations, as well as for both private and public classroom time. Access to the media chat requires a subscription, as do many features on this site. But don't get discouraged most features are free at PharohsHouse. There is a paid subscription that offers many perks in addition to helping pay for bandwidth because 99% of all content (books, audio-visual media, streaming, etc) is now hosted onsite. Did you notice 2 menu navigation bars across the top of your screen? The very top is called a "Toolbar menu." I made it a "sticky" menu that remains in view so that you can always find your way to the most vital control components for this site. If English is not your main language or you just feel like practicing another language, a page translation module is stationed right where you can easily access it, on the top toolbar menu. Feel free to test it at your leisure. The main menu is just below PH's site logo. On it, you'll find key components of this site. Shop-iT is a more intuitive online store, discounted service plans, my favorite water purifiers, and service to customize-your-own personal Podisode!

So much more than time has passed while I renewed PH. A near worldwide revolution, strange encounters worthy of a movie script, moving to interesting places, 3 hurricanes, and lots of care from so many wonderful sources have influenced the journey for the new Pharohshouse.com. One thing is certain if nothing else, We will grow beyond all challenges as long as we participate and cooperate, respecting Most High's natural order.


Did you think I'd forget about my Podisodes? How could I when so many of you have kindly  come here to experience them? When I recorded the very first Podisode, I endeavored to make them thirty minutes of knowledge with unlimited topic potential, and so they have remained. Past and present Podisodes are available for your review and or download with one caveat: you will find all past Podisodes in subscriber's only archive. A subscription plan is extremely affordable and goes towards site bandwidth.

Of course this site is online because of subscribers like you. Thanks to all of you for your generosity, loyalty and patience.