Critical Thinkers Download

Available to download for 2 weeks only, Critical Thinking: A Student’s Introduction. This guide by author, Gregory Bassham,  helps today’s students bridge the gap between everyday culture and critical thinking. Using a proven step-by-step approach, this text covers all the basics of critical thinking, in clear, reader-friendly language. Download your Read more…

Sunday’s Free Read

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Activate your natural ability to thrive with Resilience For Dummies Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion are all-too-common features of our crazy-paced, curveball-throwing contemporary existence, and it’s sometimes hard to see how we can make it from one week to the next intact. But there’s Read more…

Windows Registry Demystified

Windows Registry Demystified

Windows registry, what you can do with it? The Windows Registry is a collection of several databases where Windows and many programs store their configuration settings. You can edit the registry yourself to enable hidden features and tweak specific options. This guide delves into the following topics: How the registry Read more…


Tech-Know Freebie

Python coding is one of the easiest, more versatile of popular coding languages. It also has an easy learning curve. I’ve found a great 7-page cheat sheet loaded with python syntax and shortcuts.  After you’ve downloaded your own copy, remember to tell a friend or share on social media. Python-Regex Read more…